Workplace Culture
As management guru Peter Drucker stated, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Building a winning workplace culture is the key to attracting talent, maximizing productivity and becoming a high performing organization.
Culture is the one thread that ties great organizations together and makes them an employer of choice. At the Kilfoyle Group, LLC we’ll help your organization improve and leverage your culture to maximize your business results. We’ll help you align your organization’s values, norms, behaviors, and policies so that your culture supports your goals and gets the most out of your people.
A great culture breeds great results and reinforces an organization’s brand, improves retention and performance and attracts the brightest talent. We can help you develop just such a culture.
Our workplace culture solutions:
- Cultural Assessment
- Core Values Development
- Mission Development
- Leadership Consistency
- Organizational Communication
- Creating a well workplace
- Employee Engagement
- Learning and Development
Assessing your existing culture is the first step in enhancing it. We’ll use proven methods of assessment to make recommendations for improvement.
Defining your organization’s core values shapes the way you do business and guides the people who work for you. We’ll help you develop your core values and integrate them into your workplace.
Explaining your organization’s reason for being goes far beyond explaining what you do. It should inspire, explain why you exist and convey your value. We’ll help you build a meaningful and winning mission.
We’ll help your leadership develop skills to gain trust, create opportunities for meaningful conversations with employees and walk the talk in living the organization’s values.
We’ll help you develop effective organizational communication strategies that create open dialogues and take advantage of the multiple channels available to let employees know what’s important and feel included in the process.
An environment where employee well-being is valued leads to organizational well-being. We’ll help you develop strategies to improve the well-being of your workforce and, in turn, your business results.
We’ll help you empower your employees in making decisions and become more enthusiastic about their work, your organization and its improvement.
Creating a learning organization is the key to innovation and creativity. We’ll help you develop a plan to harness your organization’s workforce learning to create a competitive advantage.
You are the greatest leader I have ever known, and you are highly respected and loved by your peers and staff.
~ A Colleague's Comment on Michael's Leadership
The thing I have learned at IBM is that culture is everything.
~ Louis V. Gerstner,
Former CEO of IBM

Workplace Culture
Did You Know?
That one out of every nine American workers works in sales? (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
48% of Millennials say word-of-mouth influences their product purchases more than TV ads? And that only 17% said a TV ad prompted them to buy? (Intrepid Study 2010)
Eighty percent of business-to-business (B2B) transactions are the result of relationships/consulting type sales, where the buyer has to like, trust, and get along with the seller? (Selling Power)