Talent Management
Attracting and retaining talented employees requires more than a fair paycheck. An effective talent management strategy provides nurturing, acknowledgement and opportunities for growth and development, particularly when working with millennials.
At the Kilfoyle Group, LLC we can help maximize your talent by making sure that skills and expertise of your current employees are being fully leveraged, identifying gaps and helping finding new talent.
A good talent management strategy works to find and retain the right people by creating proper reward strategies, defined career paths, and regular feedback. We can help you in developing a talent management strategy to maximize the performance of your people.
Our talent management solutions:
- Mentorship programs
- Recruiting Strategies
- Training and Development
- Reward Programs
- Motivation
- Career Path
- Collaboration
- Measurement Strategies
- GenZ and Millennial Considerations
We’ll assist you in setting up formal mentoring programs so that you can leverage your institutional knowledge to get newer employees up to speed quickly and connect them with the organization and its leaders.
Where do you find good people and how do you attract them? These are key questions organizations ask, particularly those seeking knowledge workers. We know where they are and what it takes to hire them. Let us help you do it.
While payroll is typically the biggest expense an organization has, the investment in that expense is often minimal. Let us show how you to develop your employees in ways that help your organization without breaking the bank.
We’ll help you develop reward programs that are well received and tied to business goals and results. Gone are the days of across the board CPI increases and shared bonuses. Now, high performers expect pay for results and we can help you leverage that approach.
Intrinsic motivation is more powerful than extrinsic motivation. We can show you ways to create an organizational environment in your organization that leverages intrinsic motivation.
More than ever, employees are looking for a defined career path and if one is not defined for them, they will find their own path by moving on to another organization. We can show you the steps you need to take to keep employees excited about the future with your organization while remaining focused on current results.
While technology has changed the way we do business and often separates our workforces, collaboration remains a key factor in employee satisfaction and organizational improvement. We can help you create better collaboration in your team, even if geography separates them.
Still doing annual performance reviews? Are they working? There are new methods of providing feedback that are proving more effective in increasing performance. Let us show you what they are and how you may be able to use them.
The newest generations in the workforce have, perhaps, the greatest potential of any previous generations in driving innovation, but also have different needs than those before them. We understand those needs and how to meet them so that Gen Y and Z workers become a dynamic force in achieving your business goals.
The (program) evaluations were excellent. Everyone found it to be a very valuable session. I'm so glad it worked out well, and as always look forward to working with you again next year.
~ Professional Program Attendee

Talent Management
Did You Know?
67% of organizations in the industrial world find it extremely difficult to identify, develop, engage and retain their talented people? (InContact)
72% of companies portrayed talent management as an endless struggle in which they are neither gaining nor losing ground? (Effron survey)
Less than 50% of companies have well-defined talent strategies? (Deloitte)